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Welcome to MAGE Online!

MAGE is a Turkish trading firm which offers a wide variety of services to utilities and industrial companies and manufacturers.

Founded in 1981, MAGE is recognized as the premier Manufacturers’ and Companies’ Representative in the energy and chemical sector, electrical, electromechanical and mining industries and consulting services by representing finest U.S., U.K., Austrian, German, Romanian and Danish Companies.

MAGE is also offering a wide range of engineering and consulting services and trading activities due to the qualification and specialization of its staff.

Since its foundation, MAGE has achieved major business successes and earned the reputation of being a reliable and trustworthy business partner. Over the past 20 years, MAGE has enjoyed steady growth and we take pride in the superior service that MAGE offers to its clients both from Turkey and abroad.

By identifying the market niches, MAGE has been able to offer the companies and the industry the best quality and the best service at the most competitive prices available.

There are hundreds of firms which could assist you in Turkey, but MAGE is one of the few firms in Turkey that provides the full range of expertise required in your operations in Turkey.

We are dedicated to assisting and guiding you in forming a win-win-win business development partnership between us, manufacturer and customer.

Today, MAGE represents many manufacturers from three continents,  Europe, America and Asia, and did more than $ 100 million worth of business. What have remained constant in all our efforts are our flexibility, adaptability and ability to move quickly, professionally and cost effective in the marketplace. Now… here are a few words about who we are, what we do, and to whom we do.

No matter how large or small the project, we can put our knowledge and experience to work for you.

We stand ready to assist you. Why not let our over 20 years of experience work for you in your next project.

For more information about our capabilities, services and products, please contact us...

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